the Lens

Learn about yourself,
and those you know well,
in the words and lives of others.

What’s on

All at 19:30 BST / 20:30 CEST, 90 minutes
07 Nov – Ones and Reaction Formation
21 Nov – Type One panel
05 Dec – Fours and Introjection
19 Dec – Type Four panel
02 Jan – Our type and renewal
16 Jan – Twos and Repression
30 Jan – Type Two panel
13 Feb – Eights and Denial
27 Feb – Type Eight panel

The Enneagram has always been an oral tradition. But in recent years, its popularity has grown to the point whereby the theory can sometimes overwhelm the core principles. And because of this, it can be easy to initially experience the Enneagram as a complicated system that requires a lot of theoretical knowledge.

The Narrative Tradition provides an open framework to explore this material with others. A space to share our experience of life through the material. Because we are more than the stereotypes that are found online. And by articulating our growth, we help others understand where we have travelled from to get here.

If you would like to understand what motivates your behaviour, and that of those closest to you, join us for these twice-monthly sessions. These sessions are all about discussion and the learning that comes from bringing a mixed group together. You are welcome, whatever your level of experience.

Get involved

Join the Discussion group here
Sign up below

Firstly, thank you for being here. I’m genuinely excited about getting together to share our experiences and to learn from one another. It’s a treat to share this knowledge and time with you.

Secondly, I want to keep things lean at this stage. I’ve created a WhatsApp group for discussion – join here – which will also be the primary channel for announcements. I will send out basic details about the events via email each month.

Finally, this group is an experiment. Its creation is a delightful outcome of talking about this work to receptive people. I want to honour the generous support and encouragement I’ve received by making this group as accessible as I can. Not just in terms of the material, but also financially.

After considering the options, I’m offering a pricing model that I find inclusive and reflective of the value of this work. In addition to a regular membership, I’m offering a pay-it-forward option for those that are able to support at a higher level. This additional support means I can offer a subsidised solidarity membership.

This system relies on everyone making a fair assessment of their own situation, which I’m sure you will. If you are still unable to join even at the solidarity membership level, please get in touch and we can discuss a scholarship place.

Join in